Saturday, January 23, 2010

100 beers of 2010: 4/100 - Russian River Pliny The Elder

Image used, without permission, from

I was lucky enough to receive a Pliny as an extra in a trade. It was about a month old, so I wanted to bust it open before the fresh hoppiness this beer is known for began to fade.

Beer Style: American Double IPA
ABV/IBU: 8%/100 (uncertain on the IBU)
Serving Style: Poured from the bottle into a Sam Adams Sensory glass.

Appearance: Pours somewhat clear and slightly opaque (redundant or what?), with a nice head that sticks around for a good amount of time. The lacing is pretty good due to the high level of hop oils. 4/5

Smell: Somewhat soapy, with big lemon, orange, and grapefruit notes. There is some honey sweetness. The soapiness throws it off, it's not very appealing. 3.5/5

Taste: A nice balance of sweetness and sharp, cat-piss hops. There is some herbal and resinous hoppiness, along with a slight amount of fundamental malt sweetness. 4/5

Mouthfeel: Good body for the style, but I wish it were bigger in the mouth. It might push it out of the style if it were, however. 4/5

Drinkability: Real tasty and easy to drink. A great west coast IPA for sure, but not exactly my favorite brew. I think the biggest weakness is the aroma and cat-piss American hops, which others might find true to style or even appealing. I simply prefer a bit more tempered American DIPA.  4/5

Overall Grade: B+

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