Monday, January 11, 2010

100 beers of 2010: 1/100 - Short's Brewing Company: Good Humans

Recently Short's Brewing Company released about 7 limited-release beers at the same time, some of which had been brewed before and not bottled, some of which were brand new (I think). I grabbed six different six packs for my own sampling and trading on BeerAdvocate. This wasn't the first of the brews I tried, but it's the first one I reviewed in 2010. I neglected to take a photo of this, and can't find one in a decent resolution online due to the relative obscurity of the beer, so I apologize.

Beer style: American Brown Ale
ABV/IBU: Unlisted
Serving style: Poured from the bottle into a Dogfish Head chalice

Appearance: It comes out of the bottle as a fairly opaque reddish brown, with a normal head that quickly disappears. It's nice enough, sure, nothing special, nothing unappetizing. 3.5/5

Smell: A heavy dose of citrus hops hit the nose, I'm fairly sure they are cascade. Some sweet and appetizing herbal aromas are evident. Nice. 4/5

Taste: Not quite as good as the smell, unfortunately. Fairly bitter, with some caramel malts and mild chocolate flavors. It begins with bitterness and sweetness, then a clean finish with the malts. You get some lingering tongue tingle from the hops. 3.5/5

Mouthfeel: Normal. Effervescent, good carbonation levels. 3/5

Drinkability: If you are into this style, I can imagine wanting to have a few. It's clearly the best of the Short's limited releases that I've had, which isn't saying much, but it's pretty good. I wish it tasted as good as it smelled! 3.5/5

Overall grade: B

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