Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some quick tasting notes

Bill and I made a quick stop to Rustico last evening in search of a few good drafts. As if in answer to my question of "where in DC can I get Loose Cannon's Big DIPA," Rustico just happened to have it on draft, along with one of my favorite beers, Avery Maharaja, and Weyebacher Double Simcoe IPA on cask. Bill and I each got a big 16 ounce pour of Big DIPA, and my take on it was that it's good, but not great. It's in the Maharaja style of sticky, sweetish, DIPAs, but lacks the complexity and great nose that exemplifies the style. I first had it in Cleveland, and after this second pour, I don't need it again.

I then got a small pour of Maharaja while Bill quaffed the Double Simcoe. The cask pour was surprisingly delightful, which is hard for me to say, as I usually heavily dislike casks. The Double Simcoe was really nice - a thick, internal kind of carbonation that lended it body and weight beyond any cask I've had before. After a swig, a number of tiny bubbles would be rising up the side of the glass... very appealing. My Maharaja was as good as always, of course.

Ah, IPA... when will I get sick of you for good?

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